Meet Mark Junge

Mark Junge has been painting for over 35 years and has shown professionally for almost 20. His paintings appear in both private and corporate collections across the country.Mark’s work is inspired by the romanticised visions of the 19th century American painters known as the Hudson River School. Additional influences include the 17th century Dutch and French landscape painters, particularly Jacob van Ruisdael and Claude Lorrain, respectively. Although Mark uses acrylic paints, he has adopted the techniques of oil painters to achieve a traditional look. Many viewers comment on the peaceful feeling of the views Mark paints. In a turbulent world that's moving too fast for so many of us, a quiet landscape painting showing rustling leaves, nodding flowers or warm gentle breezes may help you find a retreat for your mind and soul.
先日、El PaseoでClassic Carの写真を撮りに行き、偶然Mark Jungeという人のGalleryに行ってきました。彼の描く絵は写真でみるよりも温かみのある平和的なものでした。彼は35年以上アクリルペイントを中心に世界で20年間近くプロとしての出展を果たしています。彼の作品は最近の荒れ狂う時代の速さとは違い、さらさらという葉の動き、花の揺れ、そよ風の音が聞こえてくるような作品を描き、その光景は心と考えに良い心地を持つことでしょう。
P.S. Car showの写真は次回!!